Wednesday, January 1, 2025

January 2025 TBR

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm excited for a new year of reading - especially after a really successful 2024. In 2024, I finished 173 books - a new all-time high for me! I loosely participated in a few other challenges and that inspired me to do a few more in 2025.

So for the new year, I have a Goodreads goal of finishing 100 books. I am informally participating in the ABC challenge and 50 States challenge, as well as, a book bingo I cobbled together and a reading challenge I found on Read with Allison with different prompts for the year. These are all low pressure but I hope it will help me when I get stuck on what to read next.

For the month of January, I am making a TBR of 4 books (which will most likely be the standard going forward). I'm going to try and read a high priority book, a Netgalley book, an older hauled book, and a newer hauled book each month. I would also love to focus on trying to read a physical book and the rest either physical or Kindle. Last year, I read so many audiobooks that I would like to have a better balance this year.

My TBR for January:

  • Wicked by Gregory Maguire (Physical/Reread)
  • Just Our Luck by Denise Williams (Kindle/Netgalley)
  • Cat Daddy by Jackson Galaxy (Kindle)
  • Almost Surely Dead by Amina Akhtar (Kindle)
What are you planning on reading in January?

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