So I've discussed the two major essentials lists: feeding and sleeptime. Now it's time for everything else!
Essentials for:
- Dresser - I didn't have one with either of the kids but made a point to have one this go around.
- Plain white onesies - Gerber has these by the buttload. I have one set of newborn, two sets for 0-3 months and 3-6 months.
- Colorful onesies - baby is seriously gonna live in onesies, so one set of newborn, two sets for 0-3 months and 3-6 months. [I received outfits from family and friends, plus I had kept some of Matthew's clothes, so I didn't go overboard buying clothes. I figure I will buy as a see a need for it.]
- Socks - yes, you will need them. A ton of them. I promise your washer and dryer will eat them.
- Mittens - I have some in my hospital bag because Matthew totally tore up his face in the hospital with his long nails. It's not recommended to trim them until they are 4 weeks old, so scratches are imminent.
- Hats - while you don't need to go overboard with dressing your little one in layers (dress them in the same layers as you are wearing), babies do lose body temps faster than adults, so lightweight hats are a good thing to have for on-the-go in chilly weather.
- Baby towels - the hooded kind! Trying to use adult-sized towels is hectic!
- Baby washcloths - again they are softer. We also use these for pee guards during diaper changes LOL
- Bathtub - lots of people are straying from them now and calling them bulky and unnecessary. I got one that folds up. [This is the one I got, although now I wish I had gotten the same one I had with Matt & Cami. I may end up buying this updated version]
- First aid kit - nowadays you can grab a combo kit for like $19.99 and it has everything you'll need for first aid, plus baby toothbrush, hairbrush, nail clippers, etc.
- Diapers - A pretty obvious one. I did disposables for a little while and then cloth for a while and now I'm doing about half and half. I tried to stock up on newborn size while pregnant. I have used Huggies, Pampers, and Luvs. I do prefer Luvs, but Target didn't have them in the newborn size.
- Wipes - I also stocked up on these while pregnant, but pretty much bought a box per grocery shopping trip for like a couple months, so I'm good for now on those. We usually have wipes in the house, car, and my purse anyways, so I knew there was no reason to buy only a few packs. We will definitely use them for the next years. I prefer Pampers Sensitive.
Travel and Misc:
- Carseat - obviously here you're gonna need one. I am a huge Graco fan, so I got the Graco Click Connect in Little Hoot.
- Stroller - I wanted to get the kind you could use with the carseat, so it was Graco again here. It honestly looks almost like the style I got when I had Matthew, so maybe I could've snapped the carseat on it - but I'm not 100% and obviously it does no good for me now LOL. I got it in Little Hoot too.
- Sling/wrap - I got a Happy wrap [in seafoam]. It was a lifesaver in the first few months, but he's not been a big fan lately :( I hope here in a few months he will want to be in it again.
- Diaper bag - The Diaper bag game is strong nowadays! I have a FisherPrice diaper bag [similar to this one] that I got from Target. It has labels for the pockets - wipes, pacifier, bottles, diapers, etc. It's awesome.
- Boudreaux's Buttpaste diaper cream - this was a lifesaver with Matthew, who was primarily formula-fed and also was on medications on and off while he was in diapers. He had diaper rash quite a few times. There isn't a better diaper cream than Buttpaste!
- Carseat canopy - I wish I had had this with my other two, but this is great for when it's cold/windy or rainy. Keeps baby warm and dry in the carseat.
- Bouncy seat - just depends on what Mason will like. Matt and Cami liked their bouncies about until they started rolling over/sitting up.
- Swing - They are big, bulky, and expensive. I know many babies like them, but I couldn't see spending the money on something like that when bouncy seats vibrate and play music.
- Wipe warmer - waste of money! Cold wipes don't bug 'em that much.
- Baby wash/shampoo/lotion - Stuff geared towards baby hygiene is typically incredibly overscented. I have babies with very sensitive skin (most babies are sensitive to perfumes and dyes anyways), so I never really bought baby-specific hygiene stuff. I like Aveeno's products for sensitive skin - it works just fine for the older kids and Mason.
- Baby laundry detergent - A regular free & clear detergent works perfectly. We already use All Free & Clear because ALL of us have sensitive skin and other detergents make us break out.
- Baby shoes - yes, they are super cute, but they are pointless. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it!
- Changing table - I had one with the older two, but that was because it was gifted to me. With Mason, I didn't plan to get one because a majority of the time, he is changed wherever I am/is closest with a flat surface. He gets changed on my bed, on the blanket where his playmat is, etc. They can be nice for storage, but I use the top of the dresser and the closet for that.

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