Monday, August 18, 2014

Bout of Books 11.0: Daily Updates

Bout of Books

Hello, BOB!!! I feel like it's been forever, but I'm excited it's back. I have a busy week, but I do plan on getting some reading done. My TBR is pretty much out of freaking control. Thanks to college, moving, and pregnancy. Woo!

  • Read a little every day
  • Finish 1 book, make a significant dent in a 2nd
  • Participate in a few challenges

Saturday 8/23 and Sunday 8/24:
Pages read: (total)
Books finished:

Friday 8/22:
Pages read: 70 (total: 362)
Books finished: 2
Challenges: n/a
Thoughts: 8am Started 11/22/63 last night. I've only read 2 King books. One I liked a great deal, the other not so much. I see really mixed reviews on this one and it is huge, so I don't know if I will DNF it or not, but I have a feeling I will.
Thursday 8/21:
Wide Awake (Wide Awake, #1)11/22/63
Pages read: 118 + 3 (total: 292)
Books finished: 2
Challenges: n/a
Thoughts: 7am Starting at 39% today in the book. Surprised that I'm only that far in. This book is so good!

Wednesday 8/20:
Wide Awake (Wide Awake, #1)
Pages read: 70 (total: 171)
Books finished: 1
Challenges: n/a
Thoughts: 1pm Made a huge dent in Wide Awake. Last night I read 3% and now I'm at 19% and really wish I didn't have to put the book down to work on school stuff.

Tuesday 8/19:
Killer Instinct (The Naturals, #2)Wide Awake (Wide Awake, #1)  
Pages read: 70 (total: 101)
Books finished: 1
Challenges: n/a
Thoughts: 11pm Finished Killer Instinct today! So good! Starting Wide Awake by Shelly Crane - another NetGalley book :)

Monday 8/18:
Currently reading:
Killer Instinct (The Naturals, #2)
Pages read: 31 (total: 31)
Books finished: 0
Challenges: n/a
Thoughts: 4pm I started out the day at 74% and read a little while the teacher was doing some errands that I couldn't help with and then after I left my classroom observation time I didn't get to read again until I was in the pick-up line for the kids. I'm at 82% now :)