Friday, September 25, 2015

Baby Mason: Seven Months

Can I just go ahead and cry now?! My little Mason is so big now :( It's hard to get his monthly shots because he moves so much. He's closing in on crawling and that's about the age Matthew was...and if he's like his big brother (Cami did everything really early because Matthew was around for her to try and catch up to)...he'll be taking his first steps around 9 months. My poor heart can't take this. Why oh why is he growing so quickly?!

Ready to eat // He slept almost the entire time we were at the zoo, he's about to be moved from stroller to carseat in this pic

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Baby Mason: Six Months

My, oh my, have the last 6 months flown by :( My little guy isn't so little anymore. I wrote the majority of the post on the 24th - when he turned 6 months old. I have been pushing it off because I needed to upload the pictures and videos to the computer. So here we go...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Books I Read in August

L.A. Candy (L.A. Candy, #1)Bloodsucking Fiends (A Love Story, #1)Sweet Little Lies (L.A. Candy, #2)

L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad - 4 stars (finished 8/6)
The first book in the L.A. Candy trilogy.

I've never seen The Hills, but I have watched my share of reality tv and reality tv-esque shows. This one reminded me a lot of Gossip Girl (haven't read the books, but I have watched the show). I like Jane's character a lot. I'm totally Team Braden. Scarlett, on the other hand, got a little unlikeable as the book went on. I look forward to seeing what happens in the next book. This is a great light read!

Bloodsucking Fiends by Christopher Moore - 2 stars (finished 8/14)
The first book in the Love Story trilogy.

It wasn't that this book was poorly written or's just the plot kind of went no where and the characters were kind of annoying. I'm honestly surprised I even read the whole thing. :/

Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad - 4 stars (finished 8/23)
The second book in the L.A. Candy trilogy.

I really enjoyed the progression of the story. So many characters to's absolutely like reading a reality tv show. Obviously, I would hope that was the goal of the whole thing since it is ABOUT a reality tv show. Scarlett redeemed herself a little - once she started seeing Liam, she was much less wishy-washy. Jane, on the other hand, come on now, girl! Get your crap together! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My September TBR List + Upcoming Releases

Time for my monthly "fat chance I'll read these" list :P I think last month I actually read two books off of my TBR, so maybe I shouldn't doubt myself. For the second month in a row, I read 3 books. So I'm almost hitting my goal of 4 books a month. I am, however, 10 books behind schedule. Ouch. Here's to hoping for a great month of reading...and be sure to check out those new releases. There are a ton of books I'm really excited for in the month of September!

3rd Annual Beat the Heat Readathon: Week 2 Updates

Beat the Heat Readathon

Check out Week 1 Updates and my book list here. I was doing great with the Bout of Books readathon, but last week was super busy. This week is super busy. Hopefully, I can bring back the good reading energy. Although, we are getting a new bed tomorrow...and I'm afraid having a not 10+ years old mattress will mean I'll go into a coma every night LOL.