Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Top Ten Books on my Winter 2022/2023 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. More information here.

Oh it's that dreadful time of year where I see that I haven't read anything off my seasonal TBR before the new one is due to be posted. I only get to add 2 books to my seasonal TBR because my brain won't allow me to scrap the whole thing and just post 10 new books. In 2023, I plan to have shorter TBRs and allow myself to mood read which will probably consist of choosing books I meant to read on past TBRs but not feel I have to read specific ones :) We will see how that goes.
  1. Always Jane by Jenn Bennett - Leftover from my Spring & Summer TBR - Netgalley book
  2. The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith - Leftover from my Spring & Summer TBR
  3. Lizzie Blake's Best Mistake by Mazey Eddings - Leftover from my Summer TBR - Netgalley book
  4. Soul of Stars by Ashley Poston - Leftover from my Summer TBR
  5. The Cursed Sea by Lauren DeStefano - Leftover from my Summer TBR
  6. Horrid by Katrina Leno - Leftover from my Fall TBR
  7. Black Witch Magic by Mila Nicks - Leftover from my Fall TBR
  8. The Vegas Diaries by Holly Madison - Leftover from my Fall TBR
  9. Saga, Volume 10 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples - I have had this on my mind for so long. Had it preordered the very second I could. Received it on release day. And then it has sat. I want to get around to reading it and being absolutely destroyed.
  10. Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake - I hauled this in July thanks to Netgalley. It's the sequel to Delilah Green Doesn't Care and I know I will love it, so I'd really love to read it. I wanted to read it before it released in November but I didn't get around to it.

 What books are on your seasonal TBR?
What books on my TBR should I get to first?

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