Monday, May 1, 2023

May 2023 TBR + Challenge Updates

What a wild ride April was! I continue to be insanely busy and will be throughout May too. I've decided that I am going to take a break from playing Words & Whimsy reading challenge. I've done it for 2 whole years - they also recently changed their platform and it's hard for me to keep up with it. I'm going to continue to hope to read 8 books a month but my true goal is 4. I'm halfway through my yearly challenge in just 4 months! To finish out the year, I need to read at least 6 books each month. I keep putting a physical book on my TBR and I really need to just buckle down and pick up a real book for once! The remaining 3 on my TBR are Kindle books.

I am ahead on my series challenge and just slightly behind in my Netgalley challenge, so I would like to focus on it at some point. I might do that in August because of the alliteration of ARC August ;) But it really just depends on how that goes over the next few months. I also recently went through my Goodreads shelves and my to-read list got a lot smaller. It took me a few weeks to go through everything so I most likely won't do that again for a few more years. I basically went through everything published before 2015 and if I didn't have access to it and wasn't super wanting to read it still, it came off my list. I have a habit of putting some kind of obscure books on my list and then you cannot get it unless you buy it used on Amazon and I'm not that hard up to have more physical books in my house that I don't really want to read.

My TBR for May:

  • Traitor's Blade by Sebastian de Castell (Physical - Series)
  • The Heartbreak Bakery by AR Capetta (Kindle)
  • The Vegas Diaries by Holly Madison (Kindle)
  • One, Two, Three by Elodie Nowdazkij (Kindle - Netgalley)

2023 READING CHALLENGES: should be at 33% 
Goodreads Challenge: 51/100 books - 51% AHEAD!
Series Challenge: 10/20 series - 50% AHEAD!
Netgalley Challenge: 6/20 books - 30% BEHIND!

What are you planning on reading in May?

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