I missed August's Photo-a-day and honestly, we were so busy that I didn't do very well anyways. I'm aware we're a third of the way through October, but I'm just glad that I'm even getting around to posting. My blogs have been suffering lately as we just have been entirely too busy! So here's what we did in the month of September...
1: I discovered my new favorite ice cream. Like legitimately the best ever. It hasn't been stocked lately, so I've tried Breyer's and Edy's - they aren't nearly as good. // 2: Octoberfest hit the shelves and that means it goes into everything, like soup!
3: Cami had her first Girl Scout meeting and was so excited. It's her first year to do scouts. // 4: Nick had to take a final exam, so the kids and I went to Walmart (and then I surprised them with ice cream at a local shop)...and we spotted the PDub kitchen products! YASSSSS.
5: At the end of August, we purchased our first bedroom suite. We've only been married 8, going on 9 years, LOL. I was excited that all my nail polish fit in the bottom drawer of my nightstand. // 6: Matthew got his Boy Scout uniform and wore it to their first den meeting. It's his first year in scouts, too.
7: Occasionally, we have some brinner. This particular night we did sausage, bacon, eggs, and belgian style blueberry pancakes. So much nom! // 8: This little man loves to hang out in our new bed! So big! So much room for activities! (We went from a full to queen size mattress)
9: Mason is such a smiley little guy. He's getting so big ::sniffles:: // 10: His shirt cracks me up. Thanks, Grandpa!
11: These things are life. I ended up making my own recipe for them: here. // 12: Bella being brave and jumping into the pen. At this point, he wasn't yet crawling like he is now.13: The boys fell asleep on the couch when I let the big kids stay up since Nick was at drill. // 14: I need to cut the mat to fit...when he starts walking he's gonna just take the play pen with him LOL
15: My birthday present from Nick! A jewelry armoire!! // 16: My grandma sent me a Target giftcard for my birthday, so I ran out on my birthday and got a new book and some cute fox bookmarks.
17: Beautiful September sunrise // 18: Sleeping
19: First Boy Scout event - the Rocket Launch :) // 20: Zoo Day. We finally got to see the otters!21: Hanging out with Cami, Muffin, and Mason while Nick and Matt were at the boy scout meeting. // 22: Trying to grab my phone case at the allergist office.
23: Only the best Target find EVER. I went to Kale, guys! // 24: 7 months old!
25: Helped my mom with her monthly cake/cupcakes for church. // 26: One of the pups + a baby foot = too cute!
27: Spent all day Sunday painting the computer room. It was exhausting. // 28: BUY ALL THE PUMPKIN THINGS.I have pictures for 29th and 30th, however, the 30th is one I haven't shared with anyone yet (no, not a pregnancy LOL), so I'm leaving those two days out :)

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