Thursday, February 28, 2019

My SVT Story [1 Year Post-Ablation]

For previous posts, click the label "SVT" at the end of this post or at the bottom of my blog. 

I thought I had a post prepped and ready to start writing up my one year post-ablation tale, but then I guess I meant to and got side tracked. But that is a-okay. Yesterday was the big day. I officially have hit 1 year. My last update was around the 7 month anniversary in August. Since then there have been a few changes. Nothing too significant.

I went back to the hematologist in October and had a repeat CT scan. I was given an all clear on the pulmonary embolism and taken off blood thinners. I now just take allergy medication and a vitamin. It's so weird and crazy. The pulmonary embolism is what really solidified in my mind that three kids was all I was going to have. When you're pregnant, you are more prone to blood clots and the thought of putting myself more at risk is terrifying. So my husband is going in for a permanent solution soon. I don't think the PE had any lasting damage on my lungs because we were able to catch it so quickly. I am happy that, for once, my paranoia led to me going to the doctor and getting a swift diagnosis for something I didn't even have symptoms of yet.

I have continued to do yoga. Although the end of January into February threw me off majorly and I'm just now starting to get back on track after having holidays, birthdays, and then a cold knock me off schedule. I am still doing Yoga with Adriene. I just really like her personality and she has so many great videos and I love that she does a monthly schedule. I haven't ventured to anything more vigorous than that. I just haven't really felt ready. I'm not as scared to be active though like I was before. I just am not hitting the gym and doing any HIIT or Crossfit or anything ;)

My anxiety has been worse lately, but it pretty much has been around December to February each year. Our life gets crazy busy through the holidays and I get mega anxious over it all. It starts to get a little better in March, so I think that coupled with officially hitting my 1 year post-ablation anniversary will definitely help me with my anxiety levels. From August until December, I was pretty stable, I would say. I didn't really check my heartrate a lot. I felt really good and normal. I definitely need to figure out a way for the holidays and the very end and beginning of the year to not stress me out so badly. I am really happy during those times, but also just super stressed. Definitely need to find a good balance there to help me out.

I'm really glad that I made the decision to get the ablation. I was really scared but I knew it was the best decision for me. I'm more optimistic now that I really am cured, but I don't think the fear of SVT will ever go away completely.

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