This is literally the best picture I could get of him on the couch. He immediately took to standing, walking, and even coaxing him with a coaster didn't amount to much ;)
Stats: [unsure]
Eating: About five 7 oz. bottles of formula and 3 baby food purees meals a day. We're working on slowly introducing textures to him so that he can move on to table food.
Sleeping: Finally working on getting him to sleep in his crib at an actual bedtime. He wakes up around 6:45-7am. Takes two naps. And we're working on a bedtime between 7-8pm. He wakes up around midnight and 3am - taking an oz of formula each time, sometimes he doesn't drink a bottle at all.
Wearing: 9m are a little tight, so 9m-12m clothing. Size 3 diapers.
Personality: He is such a happy little thing and he is so funny. In the last month or so, he has learned that he can make people laugh and he loves doing that. He smiles all the time and is so so so cute. The thing that makes me really really happy is that he absolutely adores his brother and sister. He lights up when he sees them after school. They love playing with him. He also loves the animals. He basically giggles any time he sees one.
Milestones: Last month, he conquered standing and then literally the day he turned 10 months old, he was walking. He wasn't one day and the next he was. And he has 5 teeth now :) He also had his first Christmas :) Oh and he has now had his first ear infection (right after Christmas). Poor baby.
- His baby remote he got for Christmas
- Cuddling
- Being "free" - when we let him walk around outside of the playpen area
- His winter hat (just a regular beanie)
- Getting buckled into his carseat

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