Stats and Challenges:
Books Read: 34 + 1 DNF [My goal was 52 books]
Total Pages Read: 12514 pages
2015 ABC Challenge: 15/26 completed
2015 Travel Gnome Challenge: 19/25 completed
2015 Series Challenge: 7/15 completed [I only started 6 new series this year]
How did I rate the books I read?
DNF: 1
1 star: 0
2 star: 2
3 star: 8
4 star: 14
5 star: 10
Average rating: 3.8 stars
My favorite reads of the year (in no particular order):

Final Thoughts:
I reorganized my Goodreads bookshelves and made a "read in" shelf for each year since I joined. So if you want to check out the books I read in 2015, feel free to friend me (let me know you read Rocky Top Real Talk), and check it out here. I also left reviews for most of the year on the blog under the Book Review label. Even though I didn't reach my goal of 52 books or finish any of my reading challenges, I am happy I read as much as I did. I have high hopes for 2016 because Mason is becoming more independent and life is definitely becoming more tame. :) Hope you all had a great reading year in 2015 and good luck in 2016. May all the books you read be incredible!

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