I'm switching things up a bit for my 12th time participating in BOB. Instead of doing each day separately. I will just keep one set of currently reading, pages read, books finished, etc. My posts always get so long and honestly, I hate formatting it LOL. I'm very excited to participate once again in my favorite readathon. I've already finished one book, so I am super duper happy already :)
I have finished! I crack up because I never read on the last day for some reason. Something about Sundays. I accomplished my goals mostly - I'm counting reading each day because I read 6 out of 7 days. I did participate in some challenges. Looking forward to 2016 as a great reading year and excited about the next BOB!
Read a little each day- mostly ;)Finish 1 book- done!Participate in a few challenges- done!
Currently reading:

Total pages read: 282 pg
Books finished: 1
Challenges: #insixwords (Mon), Would You Rather (Tues)
MON Already off to a great start. Finished one book already :) Participated in the #insixwords intro challenge. Starting point with BOO is pg 25. Daily page count: 151+35 pg
TUES I am going to be focusing on blogging a lot today, so I will attempt to read some, but it won't be as strong a day as yesterday. Daily page count: 4 pg
WEDS Will be getting the big kids soon - going to read in line :) Daily page count: 46 pg
THURS Got a few things to do today, but otherwise another quiet day. Daily page count: 13 pg
FRI Sometimes bedtime gets the better of me and I just want to sleep LOL. Let's hope for a really strong reading day today. Daily page count: 14 pg
SAT Working on blogging more today, so may not get much reading done - maybe a chapter or two. Daily page count: 29 pg
SUN My goal today is to read constantly throughout the day. I got sucked into Making a Murderer yesterday, so that whole reading thing didn't happen LOL Daily page count: 0 pg
Books read:

Bookish Would You Rather Challenge hosted by Writing My Own Fairytale on 1/5
Would you rather:
Lend books to someone who dog-ears pages or to someone who reads with cheesy Cheetos fingers? *cries* What a horrible question! Dog-ears because Cheetos would make me die.
Lend books to someone who dog-ears pages or to someone who reads with cheesy Cheetos fingers? *cries* What a horrible question! Dog-ears because Cheetos would make me die.
Would you rather:
Be able to meet one character of your choice or meet one author of your choice? I think I would have to say character. I would definitely want to meet either Hermione or Luna Lovegood :) Or you know have lunch with them both.
Be able to meet one character of your choice or meet one author of your choice? I think I would have to say character. I would definitely want to meet either Hermione or Luna Lovegood :) Or you know have lunch with them both.
Would you rather:
Never be allowed in a book store again or never be allowed in a library again?
Never be allowed in a book store again or never be allowed in a library again?
Library. I rarely go to the library..and I love me some McKay's - a local used bookstore - as do my kiddos.
Would you rather:
Have to choose one of your favorite characters to die in their book or have to pick one of your favorite couples to break up in their book?
Have to choose one of your favorite characters to die in their book or have to pick one of your favorite couples to break up in their book?
I'm going to say die...that's horrible, right? But the whole breaking up thing is so overdone and annoys me a little. I will never be as emotionally hurt by break ups as I am deaths...and that to me means that the author is so brilliant that my heart hurts when a character dies. I'm looking at you, J.K. Rowling, Veronica Roth, John Green...it hurts, but it means I've connected with the characters/story.
Would you rather:
Be required to read Twilight once a year for the rest of your life or The Scarlet Letter once a year for the rest of your life?
Be required to read Twilight once a year for the rest of your life or The Scarlet Letter once a year for the rest of your life?
I actually don't mind either choice. Twilight got me back into reading after high school, but I freaking love The Scarlet Letter, so I guess I'll got with TSL. :)

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