Monday, January 13, 2020

December Book Haul

Dec Book Haul | Check out the books I hauled this month #bookhaul

I did pretty well with hauling this month because I wasn't sure what I would get for Christmas. I'm not sure what's going on but I need to emphasize that I want books. I need books. LOL. My husband got me the literal tome that is the 4th compendium of Walking Dead comics. I received Love Her or Lose Her from Netgalley. I got two books from Amazon when they were free and one I paid for. The other 5 were library books.

  1. The Walking Dead Compendium, Volume 4 by Robert Kirkman - received paperback for Christmas
  1. Love Her or Lose Her by Tessa Bailey - received for review from Netgalley
  2. Til It Stops Beating by Hannah Goodman - purchased for $0.00 on Amazon 
  3. Beard Science by Penny Reid - purchased for $0.00 on Amazon
  4. Grin and Beard It by Penny Reid - purchased for $5.99 on Amazon
  1. Meet Cute by Helena Hunting - borrowed Kindle version from my local library
  2. Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson - borrowed audiobook from my local library
  3. Twisted Twenty-Six by Janet Evanovich - borrowed audiobook from my local library
  4. Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett - borrowed Kindle format from my local library
  5. The Bromance Book Club by Alyssa Kay Adams - borrowed Kindle format from my local library
What did you buy, borrow, or receive in December?
Have you read any of my books?

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