Monday, January 20, 2020

Contemporaryathon Round 6 [TBR]

I decided to join in on the Contemporaryathon hosted by Chelsea, Julie, and Natasha. It runs February 10 to 16. It's a love letter of sorts to the contemporary genre :) More info here [Chelsea's announcement video]

There are 7 challenges and you can hit as many books as you can with a book, so I'm going to try to read maybe 2 books, if I can. I'm working on my masters degree and that means reading is not going to be my priority.

The challenges are:
  1. Green on the cover
  2. New to you author
  3. Diverse
  4. Backlist
  5. Dark/Hard hitting
  6. Illustrated cover
  7. Beloved by a member of the book community
Books that are on my tentative TBR are:
  1. Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy - green, backlist, dark, illustrated (4)
  2. Lab Partners by Mora Montgomery - green, new author, diverse, illustrated (4)
  3. Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzalez - green, new author, diverse, backlist, illustrated (5)
  4. She Myself and I - Emma Young - new author, diverse, backlist, dark, illustrated (5)
  5. Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews - green, new author, backlist, illustrated (4)
  6. Tilt by Ellen Hopkins - green,  new author, backlist, dark (4)
  7. Tyler Johnson Was Here by Jay Coles - green, new author, diverse, backlist, dark (5)
Every one of them hits at least 4 challenges. Ideally, I would like to read a Netgalley book and Tyler Johnson. I have Side Effects in hardcover, the yellow books from Netgalley, and the green books on Kindle. The only challenge that I'm not sure on is beloved by a member of the book community because I don't think I've heard any book people talk about any of these books. If you are a fan or if you know someone who is, please let me know :)

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