Monday, January 4, 2021

Bout of Books 30 [Reading Log]

It's time for BOB readathon once again. I am participating for the 27th time! Bout of Books 30 runs January 4 to 10 and is hosted by Amanda and Kelly. I am going to try and update on Twitter and Goodreads

I am beginning to lessen the load of all the things I do on my two blogs and the internet in general since I am actively looking for work and there is a lot on my plate with all 3 kids doing virtual school. So no goals or TBR post, no separating into 2 posts for keeping track of what's going on. So just this post for the week :)


Currently reading: 

The Toll by Neal Shusterman - started at pg. 385, ended at 520 (135 pages)

Seeker of the Crown by Ruth Lauren - start at 18%, end at 19% (2 pages)

Daily total: 137


Currently reading: 

The Toll by Neal Shusterman - started at pg. 520, ended at 625 (105 pages) - finished

Seeker of the Crown by Ruth Lauren - start at 19%, end at 34% (42 pages) 

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - start at pg. 1, ended at 9 (8 pages)

Daily total: 155


Currently reading: 

Seeker of the Crown by Ruth Lauren - start at 34%, end at 43% (25 pages)

Daily total: 25


Currently reading: 

Seeker of the Crown by Ruth Lauren - start at 43%, end at 67% (68 pages)

Daily total: 68


Currently reading: 

Seeker of the Crown by Ruth Lauren - start at 67%, end at 100% (94 pages) 

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - start at pg. 9, ended at 21 (12 pages) 

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer - start at 0%, end at 1% (2 pages)

Daily total: 108


Currently reading: 

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - start at pg. 21, ended at 76 (55 pages) 

A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer - start at 1%, end at 3% (6 pages) 

Daily total: 61


Currently reading: 

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn - start at pg. 76, ended at 80 (4 pages) 

The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 2: Dallas by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba - start at pg. 1, end at pg. 184 (184 pages)

The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba - start at pg. 1, end at pg. 216 (216 pages)

Daily total: 404

I had a really successful reading week, finishing 3 books (2 were graphic novels) and I read a total of 958 pages.

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