Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Top Ten Five Star Predictions Part 2

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. More information here.

Update 6/26/21: I decided to go ahead and start updating as I read through these - so check the list below to see my ratings :)

Last updated 06/01/23

Final update 12/14/23 - a rough go, only 4 out of 10 got 5 stars!

I'm still working through my last 5 star prediction post from February 2020. I have 5 books left on it, but I wanted to get a new list going for sure! I went a little fantasy heavy but that doesn't surprise me in the least bit.

  1. The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morganthaler - I'm a sucker for this style of cover in adult romances even though it's a hit or miss for whether I like them or not. This one I have a good feeling about. It's a slight hate-to-love situation which is one of my favorite tropes. I really wanted to love this one but this was 3 stars for me.
  2. Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron - I have wanted to read this since I found out about it. I was hoping to get it in an Owlcrate box but unfortunately it wasn't chosen. I listened to an author chat with Kalynn in the Words and Whimsy Facebook group and really liked her a lot. I love Cinderella retellings and this one is a little different because it's set in the same "world" as Cinderella but in the future. 5 stars all-around, fantastic twist on the Cinderella lore. Really cannot wait to read more from Kalynn!
  3. The Iron Raven by Julie Kagawa - It's from Puck's perspective. PUCK. UGH. I've been really excited about this one since I found out about it because I love the Iron Fey series and I feel that Kagawa's writing and storytelling has only gotten better and better as the years have gone on. You can tell she has evolved as time has gone on and you don't get the early 2010s YA trope-y mess that was so popular back then. This one was 4 stars - close but no cigar.
  4. A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer - I've really enjoyed the first two books in the trilogy (5 star and 4.5, respectively) and I think I'm going to love the finale. I have high hopes! 3.5 stars - it was okay but kind of boring to be honest.
  5. Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart - I did get this book in an Owlcrate box and it was one I was anticipating and excited for. I have never read anything inspired by Jamaica and I think I'm going to love it. The cover is stunning. Also witches! Unfortunately, this was 3 stars for me too.
  6. These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong - This one dropped on my radar after Nick and I had binged Westworld. I loved the cover and even though historical fiction isn't usually my jam, but this is Romeo and Juliet in Shanghai in the 1920s and that sounds epic. I've been hearing nothing but high praise about it. I also got this one in an Owlcrate box. I just finished this book (did a buddy read) and I really really liked it a whole lot and it got 5 stars from me! So excited for book 2.
  7. Traitor's Blade by Sebastian de Castell - These last 4 are books I've gotten for Nick and want to read also. He has not read this one yet because he's reading through Robin Hobb's works right now but I am super intrigued by this high fantasy and think it will be a lot of fun. 4 stars for this one. I think I read it too quickly after Kings of the Wyld and I preferred that one more, but I did like it.
  8. Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames - Another book I've been meaning to read for ages, especially after hearing G for Book Roast talk about it. Nick has read this and liked it a lot. 5 stars! It was a lot of fun and super easy to digest.
  9. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers - I think this may be the only sci fi/space opera on my list because I'm usually so drawn to fantasy. However, I do enjoy sci fi and always mean to read more of it. Another series that Nick has read most of and enjoyed and has told me that I'll like it. Yep, 5 stars. Favorite read in June 2021!
  10. The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson - Possibly saving the best for last...yet another one that I've heard nothing but good things about. Nick has read it and it's one of his favorites of all-time. I know I'm going to love it but I'm so intimidated by the thought of starting Sanderson's works because then I'll feel obligated to continue because we have most of his stuff. AND they are huge books. However, Jade from Jadeyraereads was talking about how easy his writing is to get into. It's long but accessible so it goes by quicker than you'd think. Close but 4 stars for this one. I think that I may have rated it higher if I had read it and not listened to the audiobook and I have plans to physically read the remainder. However, I did really enjoy it.

What books do you think will be 5 star ratings for you?
Were any of my predictions 5 star ratings for you?

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