Monday, January 7, 2019

Bout of Books 24 [Days 1-4 Progress]

To sign up for Bout of Books, go here. It's a low pressure readathon and I love participating. I'm an expert once again, so I will be encouraging as many readers as I can :) To see my TBR and goals for BOB, see my TBR and Goals post.

The Riley and Kane Bundle by Alexa Kane - started at 52%, ended at 100% (209 pages)
Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard - started at page 1, ended at page 22 (22 pages)

TOTAL: 231 pages // 1 book finished

READING UPDATE: Good morning! My goal for today is to finish my current read and that should be attainable! :)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling - listened to?

TOTAL: 231 pages // 1 book finished

READING UPDATE: It's a new day and I'll be making a trip out to the local used bookstore today, but not for me. We'll see if I manage to get out without buying anything for myself. I hope to get around to visiting some blogs today and read about 50 pages in total from my two books. Not each, just total.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling - started at 14:02 left, ended at 7:18 left (listened to 7 hr 16 min)
My Plain Jane by The Lady Janies - started at page 1, ended at page 13 (12 pages)

TOTAL: 243 pages + 7 hr 16 min // 1 book finished

READING UPDATE: Yesterday ended up being super busy and I only listened to my HP audiobook while I was polishing a tarnished flute. But I also didn't pay attention to beginning or end time, so I'm not sure how much I listened to.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling - started at 7:18 left, ended at 0:00 left (listened to 7 hr 18 min)
Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard - started at page 22, ended at page 29 (7 pages)

TOTAL: 250 pages + 14 hr 34 min // 2 books finished

READING UPDATE: I listened to my audiobook once again and made quite a dent in it. Today's goal is to possibly finish it (if I can match yesterday's reading) and read a chapter in My Plain Jane or Goodbye, Perfect. // I finished HP, so that's half my day's goal done. Still hoping to read one of the other two books just a little bit today.

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