Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Top Ten Five Star Predictions Part 3

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. More information here.

So any time there is a freebie, I want to make five star predictions because it's really fun to see what I think I will like and then turn around and see if it's 5 stars or a "what the heck was I thinking?!" kind of thing. My first predictions post was in February 2020 and I have 4 books left on it. Of the six, 4 were 5-star reads, 2 were not. My second predictions post was in June 2021 and I have 6 books left on it - not really doing my best getting around to these haha. Of the four, 2 were 5-star reads. 

Here are my new predictions for 5 star reads:

  1. Book Lovers by Emily Henry: Most of my books are already published but this ones comes out in May 2022 and I will be trying to read it immediately. All the Emily Henry books I've read so far were 5 stars and I don't expect this one to rock the boat. BOOKS in a book. Yep. So close at a 4.5 star rating - I didn't like the weird sister co-dependency scene towards the end.
  2. My Contrary Mary by The Lady Janies: I'm on hold for this one at the library, so I hope to listen to it soon. The trilogy follows Marys in history with a humorous and fantastical twist. This one is Mary, Queen of Scots, whom I have always been fascinated with. This was a 4 star read for me.
  3. The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling (aka Rachel Hawkins): I am in a witchy mood as of the last year or so and want more witchy books in my life. This book follows a woman who has gone through a nasty break up and tries to...hex her ex. But kind of donks it up. Enter a handsome but infuriating guy to help try and fix the witchy hijinks and it sounds like a fun time! Another 4 star read, but I really did like this one. It was a fun time!
  4. The Heartbreak Bakery by AR Capetta: I still have not read a single AR Capetta book despite having many of their books on my years long and old TBR. I listened to an author chat and really enjoyed the passion that went into this book and desperately want to read it and just know I'll love it. It follows a queer bakery where Syd makes a batch of brownies post-break up and that makes all those partaking in the brownies break up too. This one left me very underwhelmed which really surprised me - 3 stars.
  5. Better Together by Christine Riccio: I was drawn to this one because of the cover and the author's name being so similar to Christina Ricci - the plot sounds great though. It's a Freaky Friday/Parent Trap story. Be still my Millennial heart.
  6. The Witch Haven by Sasha Peyton Smith: I also attended a virtual author chat with Sasha and fell in love with her immediately. She's such a wonderful and hilarious human being and I had to purchase her book because it's gorgeous and I wanted to support the author, but also...WITCHES. It takes place in 1911 New York. It crushed my soul to rate this 3.5 stars but it was not my favorite :(
  7. Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff: I do love witches but vampires have always been my favorite paranormal/otherworldly creature. This is also Jay Kristoff, so like I know I'm gonna love it. I had it preordered and I'll eventually get to it! I swear! This was a 4 star read for me.
  8. Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson: I really loved Sorcery of Thorns because Rogerson's writing style and storytelling just really vibed with me. This one is follows magical nuns who are morticians. And that's about all I want to know going into this one lol. I also had this one preordered.
  9. Roxy by Neal and Jerrod Shusterman: I really love Shusterman's works and I'm really intrigued by this one which tackles addiction in a really unique perspective of the drugs as gods - possibly like an omnipotent narrator type deal. I've seen some mixed reviews, but I think I will like it because of the author AND because addiction hits close to home, so I'm interested in how it will be told in this story. Unfortunately, a 3 star read for me.
  10. Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey: This is the sequel to It Happened One Summer which followed a character that was basically Alexis from Schitt's Creek - this one follows her sister, Hannah. I love Tessa Bailey romances so much. They are such a nice reprieve from life! This one was close but 4 stars!

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